As great as the advances of human engineering are, our present technology would not be able to provide the means for conquering not only space but an entire planet with enough manpower to uphold the occupation. Clearly, the alien invaders of ancient times were not only technologically far ahead of human achievements.
To master space travel one needs to be able to cope with formidable technological challenges. Let's address them one by one:
propulsion systems based on fuel consumption are totally inadequate for space travel even over cosmically small distances. Space travel at any reasonable scale is only possible with an energy source that is inexhaustible. Such energy source can only be a form of energy, which is present throughout the universe like electromagnetism or the quantum vacuum.
propulsion systems based on fuel consumption are totally inadequate for space travel even over cosmically small distances. Space travel at any reasonable scale is only possible with an energy source that is inexhaustible. Such energy source can only be a form of energy, which is present throughout the universe like electromagnetism or the quantum vacuum.
Reports of so-called UFOs wonder about the erratic course they follow. - In ancient times important spiritual buildings like temples and sanctuaries were erected at carefully chosen sites. In the Aegean Sea and in Greece there are a many such structures. When connecting them it becomes apparent that there is a grid like pattern to their locations.
In England a phenomenon called the ley lines is known. These are lines of a kind of energy human science has not dealt with so far. At the crossing points of these ley lines there frequently are religious structures of present and earlier times, which is an indication that this energy was known not only in the Mediterranean cultures but also in England.
There are numerous reports that tell of UFOs travelling along these lines in an erratic course. Considering that ley lines are a form of energy emanating from the ground one has to conclude that the erratic course of the ley lines can be linked to deposits of metals in the Earth's crust which cause irregularities in the course of these lines.
It is obvious that UFOs are using the energy emanating from these energy lines for their propulsion system. One has to assume that such energy sources are available between planets and at a much greater scale between star systems. This type of energy meets the requirement of being universally available and inexhaustible.
Reports of UFOs also tell of tight, even right angle turns at very high speeds. Acceleration, deceleration and gravity can be equated. How come the crew of a UFO making such abrupt changes of direction in high-speed flight is not crushed?
The solution to this problem can only be a mechanism, which shields off the forces of gravity. What kind of mechanism can do that I do not know. But I do know that maintaining one's dimension is a foremost necessity in space travel. - This requires an explanation:
a material dimension is determined by the speed a body travels through space and there is no difference whether it is spacecraft or a planet. There is something called the energy constant of the Universe. This constant is the energy available for motion and oscillation between the states of energy and matter. The more energy is used for motion meaning the faster a body travels through space the less frequent are the oscillations between the stages of energy and matter; a body gets longer and slower times passes. - Einstein's Theory of Relativity confirms this.
a material dimension is determined by the speed a body travels through space and there is no difference whether it is spacecraft or a planet. There is something called the energy constant of the Universe. This constant is the energy available for motion and oscillation between the states of energy and matter. The more energy is used for motion meaning the faster a body travels through space the less frequent are the oscillations between the stages of energy and matter; a body gets longer and slower times passes. - Einstein's Theory of Relativity confirms this.
On the reverse side, the more slowly a body moves, the more frequent are the oscillations between the stages of energy and matter; a body get shorter and time passes faster. The fact that there are no invasions by extraterrestrials in historic times indicates that biological life forms cannot live in a material dimension other than their own. Changes in the frequency of the oscillation, which means a different dimension, cannot be tolerated. Changes of dimensions are a complex and difficult topic. It cannot be explained in the context of this article but you can find detailed information in my book God's Ultimate Task- Re-Creating the Universe in a Positive Dimension.
This was obviously the problem of the gods who landed here 5,800 years ago. The dimension of this planet was not quite right for them. Therefore, they established themselves primarily on the highest mountains. This is why these mountain regions to this day are called the seats of the gods. These mountains were declared sacred and to this day mankind remembers them as such.
The areas on top of the highest mountains are called a death zone for humans. It is not the altitude that makes humans sick in these altitudes; it is the difference in the oscillation of matter at sea level and in high attitudes no matter how slight.
Another problem was the excessive drain on the spiritual energies of the gods caused by a material dimension that was not quite right for them. The gods compensated for this by implementing ritual human sacrifices designed to provide them with spiritual energies used to the material dimension of this planet; the gods' energy metabolisms absorbed the energies released by the suffering and pain of their victims. Even after the gods had vanished this practice of human sacrifice in favor of the gods continued well into the recent past.
After this little detour let's apply what was said before to space travel: from the example of the gods we can assume for sure that space travelers have some kind of mechanism that maintains a stable dimension. The only explanation for abrupt changes of course without harm to the crew at extreme speeds can be that the dimension of the spacecraft is maintained and that this separates the spacecraft from the physical environment it travels through. - Take this as an assumption and not as a scientifically proven fact.
We dealt with an inexhaustible source of energy and shielding off gravity, which also allows maintaining ones material dimension. Now let's get one step further:
There is a big difference between interplanetary and inter stellar travel.
There is a big difference between interplanetary and inter stellar travel.
Inter planetary travel can take place in a material dimension. This means that a spacecraft follows the energy lines between planets and physically flies from one planet to another one. Interstellar travel cannot be done in a physical dimension. The distances are far too vast. Even at very high speeds interstellar travel would take too much time.
Inter stellar travel use a phenomenon, which could be called hyperspace. This actually is not a space at all and neither is it a dimension because it is a realm of pure energy. This realm is reached at the speed of light. This means that in order to travel from one star system to another one a spacecraft has to reach the speed of light. At that point the energy constant of the universe has no more energy left for oscillation between the stages of energy and matter. All energy is used for travel. The spacecraft dematerializes.
There are energy lines linking stellar systems. In order to reach a specific stellar system one has to reach the speed of light at the one energy line that connects the departure star system with the target star system. This is easier said than done because the star systems are moving through space and energy lines in the universe are changing. Therefore, space travel to a specific stellar system is subject to the availability of a connection through an energy line.
It has been noted that around this planet so-called UFO activity changes between frequent sightings and periods of hardly any UFO activity at all. Connectivity is the reason. If there are energy lines connecting this star system with a star system from where a space visitor plans to come here, then it can be done. Otherwise one has to wait. Such periods of access could be called windows of opportunity.
In order to get to hyperspace a space ship has to maintain its material dimension. The time to get from one star system to another one depends only on the time a spacecraft takes to reach the speed of light. Once the speed of light is reached at the point of departure the craft dematerializes and instantly re-materializes at the target star system. This transition takes place in zero time because in hyperspace there is neither time nor space. Because of this the term "hyper space" is misleading. I used it because it is familiar to humans. Scientists call it the realm of the quantum vacuum. Spiritualists call it the realm of spiritual energies.
These principles have become known to science and The California Institute of Physics and Astrophysics received a grant by Nasa to work on a propulsion system utilizing the quantum vacuum. - Space travel and its underlying principles of physics are not easy topics. Therefore, should you not wish to deal with the information provided above, just assume that inter planetary and inter stellar space travel is possible. Neither time nor distances are a factor once a spacecraft is properly equipped to overcome both.
After this excursion into technical realms let's deal with the situation at hand:
increasingly, TV has brought series about sightings of UFOs and alien encounters. Abductees told their stories but scientists are eager to explain that this all is not happening because space cannot be overcome. They don't know how to overcome the vast distances between stars, so how could anyone else?
increasingly, TV has brought series about sightings of UFOs and alien encounters. Abductees told their stories but scientists are eager to explain that this all is not happening because space cannot be overcome. They don't know how to overcome the vast distances between stars, so how could anyone else?
The people from Seti, the Institute for the Search of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, have been trying to make contact with extraterrestrial intelligence for many years using radio waves and it did not work. Therefore, they claim, there are no extraterrestrials around.
The reality is quite simple: radio waves for inter stellar or even inter planetary communications are much too slow. To communicate over the vast distances of space either telepathy or the hyperspace/quantum vacuum are the only media that make such communication possible in real time.
The reality is quite simple: radio waves for inter stellar or even inter planetary communications are much too slow. To communicate over the vast distances of space either telepathy or the hyperspace/quantum vacuum are the only media that make such communication possible in real time.
A computer modem transforms a digital signal to be sent as an analog signal, which then is changed from analog to digital again at the receiving computer. To use the quantum vacuum for inter stellar communication the sent signal has to be changed from a matter signal to an energy signal of the quantum vacuum and the received signal has to be changed from an energy signal to a matter signal. Since there is neither time nor space in the quantum vacuum this way inter planetary and even inter stellar communication is possible in real time.
Reports of encounters with aliens come from all over the world. Sightings have been made of relatively small saucer like objects like the ones shown on the many photographs Billy Meier took in Switzerland. Over Nato installations in Europe many sightings took place of good size triangular shaped crafts with three bright round spots on the bottom of the crafts. In Phoenix, Arizona, huge crafts were observed that looked like a V with 5 round bright lights underneath. The light emanating indicates the propulsion systems; the larger the craft the more such systems it needs.
People who came in direct contact with aliens reported quite different features: in the US the so-called greys, small insect like creatures, seem to be the prevalent type of aliens. Billy Meier in Switzerland claimed his visitors were from the star cluster of the Plejades but, remarkably, some of them had names as we know them from ancient Egyptian mythology. Also, they looked like humans. Other reports in Europe tell of encounters with Scandinavian type people. These looked like super humans, the type you find in comic books; the men were tall and unusually handsome. The women were beautiful and their female attributes were most remarkable.
All direct contacts took place in remote areas. All of them lasted only a short while. Only some encounters were friendly. In the US abductees usually did not remember their encounters until their post hypnotic block weakened. Under hypnosis they tell frightening stories of medical examinations and abuse. In South America abductions are frequent and people get a rough treatment. All reports, however, indicate that the aliens were not interested in any extended contacts or stays on this planet. This confirms that our material dimension does not provide acceptable living conditions for any extraterrestrials at this point of time.
This raises the question: what are the aliens doing here if they can't stay for any length of time? - Actually, the answer is very simple: they are waiting for an event, which changes the material dimension on this planet and hope that the new dimension will be suitable for their needs.
In previous chapters the possibility of a change of dimension has been discussed. In one of the following chapters, Parallel World, the possibility of a change of worlds and what this means is being discussed. The number of aliens operating in the vicinity of this planet indicates that there is a high degree of probability that the extraterrestrials expect a change of dimensions or a change of worlds to happen soon.
The movie industry has released some very successful films dealing with an invasion from space. In television series like "V", visitors from outer space, showed the rather unpalatable scenario of extraterrestrials invading this planet and abusing the human population. In reality, extraterrestrials cannot invade the present world, so how can they hope that they have a chance to invade this planet after a change?
Wars have been fought on this planet since history began. Weapons became always more sophisticated. Still, the opponents and th weaponry used are known even if they hide as do terrorists striking out at innocent civilians. There is another kind of war going on and people on this planet are not aware of it because neither the attackers nor their weaponry are known. This world is under attack and the goal is to destroy it. Once this world is totally destroyed the parallel world will materialize on this planet. Because of spiritual mechanisms who ever destroyed the present world will have the parallel world materialize in a dimension suitable for his needs. He will get a brand new world!
There are many reports of space ships operating in the vicinity of this world. Not a single incident has been reported that they used weapons on humans. And yet, their weaponry must be effective beyond anything we can imagine if they are to destroy this world.
Extraterrestrials can come here because they know how to make use of the quantum vacuum. Their space ships are able to span the immense distances between their home planet and the earth in the quantum vacuum where there is neither time nor space and, therefore, they can come here in practically zero time. They also know how to use the quantum vacuum, the realm of the spiritual energies, as a weapon.
The energies of the quantum vacuum are programmable, as are the spiritual energies of people. The extraterrestrials are telepaths and they can program people's spiritual energies via thought transmissions. However, they need people for their programs that are not only susceptible to specific telepathic conditioning but also able to execute the actions programmed in their energies.
A typical case of such programming was the Heaven's Gate cult, which was the product of an effort by the Plejadens to establish the pattern that people should commit suicide. This mass suicide was not a single event. At approximately the same time cult mass suicides took place in Switzerland and either Canada or South America - I forgot which country it was. Of course, nobody can expect that all people in this world commit suicide.
But exploding the nuclear arsenals of the major military powers of this world would be tantamount to general suicide of life on earth.
But exploding the nuclear arsenals of the major military powers of this world would be tantamount to general suicide of life on earth.
The Plejaden plans failed. Only five nuclear explosions in India ensued in the time after these mass suicides and this ended this spiritual attack. But there was another attack, which brought this world to within 2 hours of the extinction of all life. The Plejadens had abducted human females. They had made them pregnant with babies who had been given Plejaden spiritual energies who would follow telepathic commands by crew members of Plejaden space ships operating in the vicinity of this planet. Spiritually seen, numbers count and the number of Plejaden plants was not enough to bring the desired result of an all out nuclear war.
There is another party of extraterrestrials that did not have to abduct human females and make them pregnant to have agents within the human population. After a change of dimensions approximately 5800 years ago aliens who called themselves the gods were able to invade this planet. Approximately 3500 years ago there was a change of worlds and the present world materialized in a dimension hostile to gods. The ones on the surface of this planet at the time of the change perished. But there are many of them still around in space ships.
The gods have spiritual entities incomparably bigger than human spiritual entities. The entities of the gods who died during the change split in particles small enough to incarnate in human bodies. Even though these spiritual particles descending from gods are as small as human spiritual entities the people they are incarnated in are vastly superior to humans. These are the geniuses among humans. The god-humans don't know of their heritage. But they are susceptible to guidance by other god entities who telepathically influence and lead them.
There is another kind of gods and we know them as the Atlanteans. They came to this planet much sooner and they are the benevolent gods known from the Nordic saga, the Edda, as the Vanir. The Edda also speaks of the evil gods, the Aesir, better known as the gods of the Egyptian pantheon. The Atlanteans owned the world before, the paradise. After the evil gods had landed on this planet they slowly invaded Atlantean territory and, ultimately, the Egyptian gods won supremacy over the entire planet except for Japan.
The Egyptian gods worked for close to a thousand years to prepare a change of worlds. When it came they were in for a big, ugly surprise. The Atlanteans had interfered and the present world is for humans only. They also made sure that a number of Atlanteans would make the transition into the present world where tiny particles of their huge spiritual entities are incarnated in humans. Therefore, there are two parties of gods, which have their agents in this world, the good guys who are of Atlantean descent and the bad guys who descend from the Egyptian gods. Both parties influence their agents telepathically.
Ever since the present world came into being the Atlanteans have been working to establish the spiritual situation, which will enable them to bring back their world, the paradise. They did and still do this with religion. Christianity, Islam and Zoroastranism are Atlantean tools designed to produce the necessary spiritual power for programming the spiritual energies with the goal of bringing back the paradise. At the same time these were and still are the tools for people to accumulate enough positive spiritual energies to be able to make the transition into the next world to come, the paradise.
The Egyptian gods who survived the last change of worlds in space ships went into time dilation space flights to come back when the time would be right for another change of worlds. When they popped out of these flights in the nineteenth century they were in for a big and bad surprise. The Atlanteans with their monotheistic religions had won a decisive advantage over all other contenders for ownership of this planet. Only a total destruction of this world would give to the Egyptian gods a chance to make the next world their own.
In order to counter the monotheistic religions the Egyptian gods invented communism. There are millions of humans with the tiny particles of the former Egyptian gods as spiritual entities. Egyptian gods in space ships can easily influence and guide them. Karl Marx, Engels, Lenin and other prominent figures of Communism descended from the Egyptian gods who also helped scientists to develop the atom bomb. The combination of these two factors was meant to bring the total destruction of this world, which the Egyptian gods needed to succeed.
In order to counter the monotheistic religions the Egyptian gods invented communism. There are millions of humans with the tiny particles of the former Egyptian gods as spiritual entities. Egyptian gods in space ships can easily influence and guide them. Karl Marx, Engels, Lenin and other prominent figures of Communism descended from the Egyptian gods who also helped scientists to develop the atom bomb. The combination of these two factors was meant to bring the total destruction of this world, which the Egyptian gods needed to succeed.
Communism was a great success. It climaxed in the Cuban missile crises, which brought this world to within two hours of total destruction in a nuclear war. When this did not happen the spiritual power of Communism was broken and the Soviet Union, the main power of Communism, disintegrated. This attack by extraterrestrials against this world failed.
The extraterrestrials are still around and they have not given up. Another attempt to gain a foothold in this world could be done by mass producing human clones and providing them with spiritual entities from alien beings. A cult called the Raeliens seems to be working exactly in this direction. There are certainly other projects the extraterrestrials are pursuing. So far, all their plans have failed and as the evidence shows they all will fail. The monotheistic religions of Atlantean origins, Christianity, Islam and Zorostranism have an overwhelming momentum. Short of something really catastrophic the Atlanteans will win the fight for supremacy over this planet and their world, the paradise, will return.
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